Summer Class 2023
We offer short classes in the summer for anyone interested in learning more! While the classes are in the same location, they follow a different structure than our regular workshops. These classes are during the week and will go much more in depth on specific topics. They range in length but usually only last an hour or two each session, however, some are progressive and may build upon each session. Each class is usually only 4 sessions. Not only are these classes extremely fun and educational, but you always get to leave with more than you came in with!
2023 Summer Classes
Oscilloscope & Measurement Basics - Presented by Bill Werzner and Tom Taylor
We are scheduling four Wednesday classes that will be held starting July 5 and continuing on July 12, 19, and 26 at Electronic Parts Outlet (EPO), 3753 Fondren Road, Houston, TX 77063. Class time starts at 10 AM and end at 2 PM with a lunch break in between. You may bring a noontime snack or enjoy the lunch items, coffee, and drinks that will be provided. Instructors include a NASA and Shell Chemical retiree, both of whom have extensive background experience in electronics. Bring writing material and feel free to photograph and record class material if you choose to do so. Take home, study material, will be provided that includes class related problems to be solved at your leisure. These you can return the next class to be checked yourself during a discussion session. We have held classes like these at EPO in previous years and are being brought back by popular demand. A $17.00 fee, per student, per class, will be charged payable on site. Class size will be limited to a total of twelve due to seating limitations, so please sign up by Wednesday, June 28, and choose which classes you plan to attend. Fill out the signup form to reserve your seat for classes you choose to attend. We welcome attendees 12 years old and up!
CLASS 1 July 5. Electronic symbols, basic math, identifying components, basic test equipment and use,
Tools, work bench set up, locating, reading and interpreting schematic diagrams, vacuum tubes & transistors. Simple batteries, transformers audio and power, AC and DC, wiring basics and safety, “History” Edison v.s Westinghouse, Nikola Tesla’s work and more!
CLASS 2 July 12. Understanding basic electronic circuits, power sources, primary and secondary batteries, current drain and voltage measurements, testing resistance, coil, and capacitors. Circuit modifications to accommodate new components, mounting and soldering considerations Power supplies full wave half wave etc. Series and parallel circuits. Plus more!
CLASS 3 JULY 19. Oscilloscope basics how they operate. Testing and troubleshooting a vintage scope, basic oscilloscope schematic, single and dual trace oscilloscopes. Trouble shooting audio amplifier and radio circuits with an oscilloscope, interpreting signal traces, sine and square wave generators, types and uses of test probes. Audio and RF signal generators as troubleshooting tools.
CLASS 4 JULY 26. Last class of the series. Questions and answers, bring your projects, test equipment, diagrams for analysis. Solid state circuitry, transistors, diodes, Zener effect, integrated circuits, etc. Voltage multiplier and divider circuits, advice on equipment you may wish to purchase and restore.
Arduino Classes - Presented by Caz Bowyer
All the Arduino Uno micro-controller classes will require a *Windows laptop* so participants can code (C++) their arduino. We will be using the arduino IDE Software which you can download prior to the class here: https://www.arduino.cc/en/main/software.
First Session - July 6th will mostly just be the set-up of the software and settings so that everyone can easily code their arduino and work with inputs. This is a beginner's class.
Session 2 - July 13 will be a continuation of the beginner's class getting everyone acquainted with basic hardware and programming and a focus on motor control.
Session 3 - July 20 will be a more intermediate class for those with a basic understanding of Arduino looking to learn more building some fun projects involving real time clocks.
Session 4 - July 27 will be a more intermediate class for those with a basic understanding of Arduino looking to learn more building some fun projects involving temperature and humidity measurements.
*This class requires a *Windows laptop* (you may bring an Apple Laptop with program already setup, but instructor may not be able to help you do the software setup). This class is $10 per person if registered before July 1st and less than $80 worth of parts purchased separately at the store (The instructor will help navigate which parts to buy before each class). If you have a group you wish to bring in, please contact Chris for group pricing and details.
Soldering Classes - Presented by Eric Patterson
Session 1 - July 7th is an introduction to Flux and Solder compositions
Session 2 - July 14th is about cracked joints and through-hole joints
Session 3 - July 21st shows how to desolder using various tips and techniques
Session 4 - July 28th will teach about surface mount devices (SMD) and hot-air guns

Purchase tickets for the 2023 Summer Classes at https://epohouston.mysellix.io/
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