Summer Class 2020
We offer short classes in the summer for anyone interested in learning more! While the classes are in the same location, they follow a different structure than our regular workshops. These classes are during the week and will go much more in depth on specific topics. They range in length but usually only last an hour or two each session, however, some are progressive and may build upon each session. Each class is usually only 4 sessions. Not only are these classes extremely fun and educational, but you always get to leave with more than you came in with!
2020 Summer Classes
Arduino Classes - Presented by Caz Bowyer
All the Arduino Uno micro-controller classes will require a laptop so participants can code (C++) their arduino. We will be using the arduino IDE Software which you can download prior to the class here: https://www.arduino.cc/en/main/software. The First Session (July 7th) will mostly just be the set-up of the software and settings so that everyone can easily code their arduino with things like blinking an LED and using a DC motor. The following classes will begin the building: Session 2 will be over a ferris wheel built with a stepper motor and push buttons, Session 3 will be over a mechanical arm with a servo motor and potentiometer input, and in Session 4 you will learn how to built a catapult with a range sensor! Caz is a very good friend and long-time presenter for the store. She is a DIY enthusiast who loves to share her knowledge of micro-controllers!
*This class requires a laptop and approximately $100 worth of parts available in the store
Guitar Pedal Classes - Presented by Matt Wilson
These guitar pedal classes will presented by physics teacher, Matt Wilson! He will go over how they work and you'll be able to build your own right here in the store to take home with you if you wish. Matt will be bringing parts of his own for participants to borrow however, if participants want to build their own guitar pedals they will be able to purchase their own parts in the store.
Quick History of The Fuzz Pedal: https://youtu.be/vtoac9zRibM
12 Variations of the same circuit: https://youtu.be/VdJWv4emZdY
*This class will not require parts, however, if participants wish to build their own they can buy the parts in-store
Mechanical / Robotics Classes - Nolan Dunne
Nolan will be using our Tamiya kits from the store to build a small robotic drive-train! Participants will be able to build their own miniature (book sized) drive-train alongside everyone else
*This class requires approximately $100 worth of parts available in the store
General Electronics Classes - Bill Werzner
These general electronics classes will begin with the basic components and work up to more complicated circuits. They will be presented by the president of the Houston Vintage Radio Association (H.V.R.A.) Bill Werzner and colleagues!
*This class will not require parts
Soldering Classes -
*To be determined*

Click this link to Register for 2020 Summer Classes!
Notes -
Each session is limited to 10 people and are first come first serve. We are aware of the current situation as we have been monitoring the status of social standings and precautions. This is partially why we will try to limit the number of people in one session at a time. If for any reason we have to cancel the classes or a session or move the location outside of the building, we are happy to refund your ticket if you wish.
All of our summer classes are very interactive! Some classes will be approximately $100 in parts for you to build and keep! If the class requires building material, you will be able to purchase everything you need for the classes in our store. The total cost of each "hands-on" class will vary depending on the parts used and the choices made by the participants on how they want to complete their project.
It is not required to attend every session, it's ok to miss a session and still attend others.
If you have any questions, please Contact Us before ordering your tickets. If you cannot attend one of the session you purchased, please let us know so the spot may be available to another participant. Due to the parts we must pre-order, All ticket sales are final.
This is our third year doing Summer Classes and our first with online registration! We've been doing regular workshops for over 10 years now and they're all presented by volunteers who love to share their knowledge so If you're interested in presenting a project or topic of your own, please contact us!

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